Many people use the summer to spend their vacation in a relaxed way. Among them are also many wearers of hearing aids. If you are going on a trip, we have put together some tips and tricks to help...
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In this article, you will learn why you may experience hearing loss. There are actually many reasons for hearing loss. Some of them are easily reversible like an accumulation of earwax in your ear...
With hyperacusis, sounds of normal volume (70-80 dB) are perceived as unpleasantly loud. Hyperacusis represents a subjective oversensitivity to noise. At higher levels (for example, when a car drives...
Dogs can also be affected by hearing loss due to a wide variety of influences, such as age or incorrect medication. So that the beloved dog can still participate actively in life with joy specialized...
The right timing for hearing aids is crucial. Many people with a hearing loss ask themselves when would they actually need a hearing aid? And the answer is simple. As soon as a hearing loss is...
If you wonder how far hearing aids should go in your ear you found the right article. Here you will see what may change when the hearing aid is placed more in the outer part of the ear compared to a...